Saturday, October 5, 2024

Batman & Robin Merchandise Review - Attack Wing Robin figure from Kenner

Back to the Kenner reviews with Attack Wing Robin. There some heavy Marvel influences on this one.

His helmet looks like Ant-Man. His wings looks like Archangel. And his suit looks like Spider-man. Who knows if that's intentional or not? 

I actually really like the sculpt on this. I vener really noticed until now that although the paint work on the B&R figures is a bit lacklustre, the actually sculpts are really intricately detailed. 

This is definitely a fun one if you can find it.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

New audiobook for the Batman & Robin movie

Joel Schumacher's two Batman films are incredibly special to me but... there's only so many times I can watch them. I try to leave it to just once a year so that it always feels like special event.

I love find other ways to experience them - looking at toys and other merchandise. One of my favourite things for Batman Forever is the audiobook read by Rene Auberjonois, based on the novelisation by Peter David. 

It's a three hour abridged version of the novelisation but it has lots of extra details as well as Auberjonois' great reading style.

Back in 1997, for Batman & Robin, they only did a short 30 minute radio play adaptation of the film that was really cheesy and over the top (which is saying something given the film it's based on). Jan Michael Friedman's slightly more mature novelisation - which has lot of fun extra details and scenes - was never recorded... 

...until now.

Recently, fan of this website Drew Griffin has dedicated a ton of time and effort recording a 6+ hour reading of the book with music. It's a great book and Drew does a fantastic job reading it. I can't thank him enough for doing this and giving us all a new way to experience the film.

What are you waiting for? Start listening now.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

News: Batman & Robin is back on the big screen in the UK next week

To celebrate this year being the 85th anniversary of Batman, Cineworld and Vue cinemas are showing 7 Batman movies.

Most important to readers of this blog, Batman & Robin will be back on the big screen for one night only.

Details for Cineworld (Wednesday 11th September) here

Details for Vue cinemas (Friday 13th September) here

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Batman & Robin Merchandise Review - Battle Board Batman figure from Kenner

A lot of the time the Batman & Robin figure line looked a little cheap. Most of them only had a simple 2 colour scheme. Often a really garish bright colour and black. Thankfully Battle Board Batman bucks that trend and goes for a mix of cool blue and light purple. I think it works really well.

The sculpt is also a little different from the other Batman. There's some neat little details on the gloves in particular.

The actual accessory is something that Kenner did again and again. A hoverboard that clips onto Batman's feet and can also be stuck on his back. I'm less keen on that but on the whole I like this figure. Definitely one of the better ones.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

News: Hot Toys is making Batman & Robin 1/6 scale figures (... no seriously)!

Even though we got those Batman Forever figures from Hot Toys a few years back, I really didn't think they would also do ones for the 1997 follow up Batman & Robin. I assumed the negative reputation that has dogged the film for years would mean that Hot Toys would think they financially unviable.

Turns out I was wrong, these two prototypes were just unveiled today! I've got to say, I'm glad I was wrong.

These are just prototypes at the moment and if you remember those Batman Forever prototypes were shown at toy fairs for at least a year before they hit retail shelves so you probably have some time to save up your pennies.

Looking at the initial designs, I think they look great. Chris' hair looks a little too light brown and I know some people would prefer them to have more of a blue hue but overall, stunning. I wonder if they'll come with add on ice patches like the McFarlane figures.

I imagine they will have similar issues to the Forever figures (ie. the rubber suits crease awkwardly when you bend the arm or legs) but I can live with that.

Here's hoping they consider an Alicia Silverstone Batgirl figure down the line. Seems like a shame to miss her out.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Batman & Robin Merchandise Review - Batgirl Ice Strike Cycle figure from Kenner

Although I usually like my movie action figures to look like they did on screen, I also enjoy when a toy designer throws out the rule book and makes their own wild and crazy reinterpretation. The Batgirl Ice Strike Cycle is definitely one of the latter. 

The figure is a predominantly light purple with a visor - worlds away from the look in the film. I really dig it though - it reminds me of the Batman vs Predator comic from the early 90s. Maybe that inspired the toy designer too.

The cycle itself is fairly close to the look of the film. It's missing the big bat symbol on the front and a few other details but it's close enough. I like that they've made it so the character can sit up properly and not have to lie down on top of the bike like so many other Kenner cycle (I'm looking at you Redbird Robin and Street Racer Batman). The wheel missile is a nice addition too. I didn't note it in the video but apparently you can take that missile launcher off and attach it to Batgirl.

All in all, this one is a hearty recommendation.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Batman Forever + Batman & Robin merchandise for sale!

No, I haven't lost my mind and decided to sell my collection. Don't worry. It's going nowhere.

I have though been in touch with a fellow Batman collector called Laurent.

He is very active on Instagram and is selling a TON of Batman merchandise - from the movies, cartoons, comics.

Most interesting to readers of this blog, he has a big collection of Batman Forever and Batman & Robin merchandise.

Here are a couple of photos below show some of what he has available. Some really rare pieces. He also has a lot of carded figures too. Check his Instagram page out here - give him and follow and maybe strike up a deal.

And here's some individual posts about some of the items for a closer look.